USS Rankin Lottery Pool
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USS Rankin Lottery Pool

NOTICE - The USS Rankin Lottery Pool ceased operation on 12/31/2022. All recent players have been notified.
This was the website for a Powerball and Mega Millions lottery pool with up to a hundred participants. About half of us served aboard the USS Rankin (AKA-103). Most of the others learned about us by word of mouth.
We had a lot of fun playing these lotteries, and of course we hoped to hit the Jackpot one day. Unfortunately, we never came close.
We operated honestly and with total transparency among our players: Every dollar contributed to the pool was used to buy lottery tickets, and every player knew every number that we played. Every player also knew the name, address, and phone number of every other player.
The pool was run exclusively for the benefit of the participants, and was not an activity of The USS Rankin Association. We just piggybacked on their website and email.
Information about pools from Pool #1 in November, 2007 to Pool #57, ending in December, 2021, including our winnings and over $24 billion in Jackpot payouts, can be found HERE.

Updated on 1/1/23
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